Your business could be out of business before you know it if you don't understand your competition. In this course, I'll show you how to break down your competitors to help differentiate yourself and identify possible opportunities.
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Everyone has an idea, but it’s taking those first steps toward turning that idea into a reality that is always the toughest.
I can't wait to take this journey with you.
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If you implement EVERYTHING I show you within the first 30 days, and do not get an ounce of value, we will give you a 100% money back GUARANTEE.
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- here's what you'll learn -
Learn your competitors and how to differentiate yourself from everyone else in the marketplace to make sure your customers come back to you every single time. In this course, you'll receive a free competitive analysis guide in the Secret File Vault!
Have Questions?
Email us or call 646-867-8660.
Daymond on Demand is a digital business curriculum created by Daymond John to educate aspiring entrepreneurs and provide them with the skills, tools and resources they need to start, build and scale their business.
Have a question for the Daymond on Demand team? Send us an email at or give us a call at 1-646-867-8660
This product is not affiliated with ABC Networks, LLC, Sony Picture Television and Mark Burnett Productions or any of its series, subsidiaries, divisions or affiliates.
Earnings Disclaimer. RESULTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Any statement made on the website or in the program regarding income or earnings are provided as examples only, and do not guarantee you future earnings or income. Please note that the stated results are not typical and there is no guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. As with any endeavor, results may vary, and depend on a wide variety of factors including, but not limited to, your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation. The use of any products or services offered through Game Changer Media Group, Inc. should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that we at Game Changer Media Group, Inc. (including sponsors, promoters, advertisers or affiliates), are not responsible for the success or failures you experience in your personal or business life.