*This Offer Has Expired*

You Can Still Get Access To These Marketing Templates By Clicking Below:

You are on my list to get early access to this amazing one-time offer. This is a Black Friday sale, but with early access, you can get a headstart on your business. I have been building out these templates just for you. They have been used by my expert team of marketers and now I want to get them in your hands!

There are only 300 people who will get early access and 30% off before my social media, customer persona, pitch deck and email marketing templates go live to the public on November 19th.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Here is what you are getting for 30% off...

Flash sale email campaign template

Email marketing is a powerful tool for any business. So are flash sales. Flash sales are limited time offers that are meant to drive sales. The key to both email marketing and flash sales are that you have a catchy subject line (call to acton) for your email. The more people that open your email, the more people who will read your emails and the more people who will respond to your call to action. My flash sale email template will give you access to:
    -Almost 100 of 2020's best email subject lines
    -50 subject line templates that get opens with examples
    -Sample email messages for you to model after

Social media image template

Social media is a very important part of any integrated marketing strategy. That's why it is key to make sure that your images are optimized for whichever social media platform you are using. My templates will help you figure out what kinds of photos to post in order to optimize and utilize social media. These templates will be your go-to for social media posting. Learn to optimize platforms such as:

One page pitch deck template

Looking to pitch your business to someone? Do you want to close even more deals? With my 1 page pitch deck, you can close more high-end deals, and be more successful. My one page pitch deck template will give you all of the tools you need to create a successful pitch, including:
    -What you should put in your pitch
    -How to successfully execute your pitch
    -How to deliver your pitch

Facebook ad template

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. This means that no matter who your target market is, they are most likely on Facebook. That's why Facebook continues to be a go-to place for advertising. Facebook is unique in that it offers targeted marketing. My Facebook ad templates will give you all the information you need to know in order to be create successful Facebook ads even if you are not a copywriter! Some of the aspects of Facebook ads I will cover in this template will help you:
    -Write a Facebook ad with good copy
    -Use a captivating ad image
    -Sizing your image correctly

1-page customer persona template

Are you struggling to decide who to sell your products/services towards? If you are trying to sell to everyone then you really are selling to no one. Finding your customer persona is a key part to the success of any business. My customer persona template will give you the ability to figure out who is the best type of person for you to market your products/services towards. My template will give you the opportunity to tailor-fit your marketing message by filling in information such as your customer's:
    -Goals and aspirations
    -Concerns and doubts
    -Information sources
    -Demographic information

Blog Content Resource Guide Template

Blogs are a great way to grow your following and draw people to your products/services. There are many aspects that go into a successful blog, and it can be overwhelming and confusing to try and figure out how to best approach creating blog content. My blog content resource guide template will give you access to:
    -A content calendar to help you keep track of and strategically schedule content
    -A guide about how to write for your customer, whoever they may be
    -How to find the best keywords for your blog
    -Utilizing trends for for blog content (including the top trend spotting platforms)
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

What will these marketing templates do for you?

  • Create processes that will help you scale your business faster
  • Get ahead of the competition
  • Shortcut your marketing processes
  • ​Grow your audience
  • ​Increase sales
  • ​Advertise successfully (without wasting money!)
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Daymond on Demand is a digital business curriculum created by Daymond John to educate aspiring entrepreneurs and provide them with the skills, tools and resources they need to start, build and scale their business.


Have a question for the Daymond on Demand team? Send us an email at help@daymondondemand.com or give us a call at 1-646-867-8660


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PMB: 44171
New York, NY 10003